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Free Digital Download
I AM ISRAEL; An epic award-winning film produced by David Kiern about the land of the Bible and the people who call Israel home. Narrated by renowned Welsh actor John Rhys-Davies.
Download your free digital copy today!
I AM ISRAEL Free Digital Download Promotional Code
We are honored to feature producer David Kiern's exclusive offer to Return O' Israel
of a free ($15 value) digital download of his epic, award winning film; I Am Israel
Complete the form to receive a promotional code and further download instructions.
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Declaration of Christian Support
This is My Land Free Download
Selected as one of the easiest to read and most comprehensive studies of this subject. Eli Hertz chronicles in amazing detail the facts of how the land of Israel was liberated and then became the Internationally recognized and undisputed homeland of the Jews.
I Am Israel Free Digital Download
I AM ISRAEL; An epic award-winning film produced by David Kiern about the land of the Bible and the people who call Israel home. Narrated by renowned Welsh actor John Rhys-Davies.
Download your free digital copy today!
Declaration of Christian Support
In 10 Languages
An invitation to the Global Christian Community to show support for Israel! SIGN the International Declaration of Christian Support for Jewish Biblical and Indigenous Rights in Their Ancestral Homeland and forward to family and friends to help us get millions of signatures from around the world!
Share the Truth
An immense battle is raging in Israel between the Left/Liberal forces and the Jews who earnestly seek their full and complete Biblical restoration in Sovereignty. As Christians, our biblical duty is to support full and complete Jewish Sovereignty. Join ROI and help us get this important message out by sharing with your friends, family, and community by email and social media.
Sovereignty Newsletter
ROI is happy to bring to you, the ongoing newsletters produced & published directly from the Sovereignty Movement. We believe that this will bring you more into the loop about the future Redemption of Jews and Christians. Please read and share with your friends, family, and community.
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